Did you know that Wells Brothers sells bulk garden seeds?
Can you grow your own food? If you answered no, then take a look at our upcoming workshops. If the answer is yes, (still look at the upcoming workshops) then did you know that Wells Brothers sells pre-packaged and bulk garden seeds? In our business, bulk means loose, not a lot. We measure these seeds by the scoop. We have large and small scoops for different kinds of seeds. The large scoop will hold 4 small scoops. So if you don’t need a large scoop of Blue Lake beans you can use the small scoop.
If you have leftover seeds it’s ok to store them for next season. Seed life varies tremendously depending on the type of seed and storage conditions. Seeds in the paper package in a kitchen drawer are good for over a year before the germination rate starts dropping. I have planted 3-year-old seeds with about 70% germinating. Just remember to write the purchase date on the package for future reference.
Then there is the “Methuselah” tree. It was germinated in 2005 from seeds that were found in 1963, where they had been stored for 2,000 or so years!
Onions and seeds should be here shortly. Keep an eye on Facebook as I will post their arrivals.