The synthetic side of the store includes most of the HiYield, Fertilome and Neil Sperry’s products as well as our custom fertilizer blends of 16-20-0 and 28-6-6. From growing it, to killing it, we have products that fit the need.
Vegetables are fast-growing annuals, so they do best with a fertilizer that contains all three primary nutrients. Look for fertilizers that contain timed-release nitrogen to save time and to be sure your vegetables receive a steady supply of nutrients. Interrupted water or feeding can reduce your harvest.
Flowers: Need plenty of phosphorus, so the middle number in a good flower fertilizer is at least as high as the first number (nitrogen), or maybe higher. Plants that bloom for a long time and use lots of water may need an extra feeding in during their growing season.
Lawns: Need lots of nitrogen because they are constantly producing new green leaves.
Fertilome and Hi Yield have been making things green for over 50 years. We still stock the 16-20-0 fertilizer that has become the standard by which others are judged.
Roses: Need more fertilizer than many other shrubs or landscape plants to support steady growth and blooming. The best fertilizer for roses contains a unique allotment of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to support growth and many blossoms throughout the entire growing season.