Wells Brothers Pet, Lawn and Garden Supply, has a part time job opening for a cashier, at their store in Plano, Texas.
Do you need a part time job or know someone that does? Wells Brothers has a part time job opening for a cashier at their store in Plano, Texas. Candidates should possess excellent communication skills, must be able to lift 50 lbs., have a flexible work schedule, be dependable, punctual and a team player.
Wells Brothers is a 55 year old family owned business in Plano, Texas, that specializes in pet, lawn and garden supplies with a focus in the all-natural markets. We enjoy a family/team environment and pass this posture on to our customers.
If you’re interested in applying for this part time position, simply swing by the store and fill out an application. We’re here 8 am to 7 pm Monday through Friday and until 6 pm on Saturday.