Did you know Wells Brothers offers soil testing for your lawn and garden? It takes many components to grow nice looking lawns and successful gardens. The basics include the correct amount of sunlight, water, nutrition and of course soil. Sunlight is all about proper planning. Water or lack of water in our case is a major concern and should be considered in any garden or landscape plan. The soil is where the plants live. Nutrition is what Mother Nature provides and what we add. What we feed the plants can make or break all of our efforts.
Correct nutrition can be the biggest hurdle. This is where soil testing comes in. Soil tests should be conducted every four or five years for lawns and landscapes. Garden soil testing depends on how many crops you plant in a year. If you plant spring and fall crops testing should be done every two years. A spring, fall and winter planting should tested yearly.
In the past folks would take soil samples and mail them to a testing facility. In our effort to change the world, Wells Brothers will conduct soil testing in-house at a cost of $50. Before you start planting, have your soil tested.